
I'm useless unless Mezasa the world.

January 11, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visited RIKEN in Kobe, visited the research facilities of (induced pluripotent stem cells) iPS cells with the ability to change into a variety of cells.

In order to talk with Professor Kyoto Shinya Yamanaka, who won the Nobel Prize as the creator of the cells iPS, to accelerate research and regenerative medicine drug discovery using cells iPS, the prime minister, we do the research support of ¥ 1100 billion over 10 years I told the policy. I welcome Mr. Yamanaka "iPS cell research, which began with basic research of approximately ¥ 10 million a year, so we received great support from the Prime Minister. Grown, without wasting even one yen, want to push forward further and".

The prime minister also visited "K" supercomputer at the Institute, was once the world's # 1 processing capacity of. I told reporters, "It's all the world must Mezasa too., And the world, it is important assistance in the country. Leave a great success for the first time there is a spirit of challenge in the field of the unknown" and. It requires a spirit that aims to "the world" at all.

 首相は、iPS細胞の生みの親としてノーベル賞を受賞した山中伸弥京大教授と懇談し、iPS細胞を利用した創薬や再生医療研究を加速するため、 10年間で約1100億円の研究支援を行う方針を伝えた。山中氏は「iPS細胞研究は、年間1000万円程度の基礎研究から始まったが、成長した。首相か ら大きな支援をいただいたので、1円も無駄にせず、さらにまい進したい」と歓迎した。

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