
They moved significantly towards regenerative medicine applications.

for the first time in the world, iPS cells were supposed to be used to treat human disease. The 26th, the national examination on clinical research program of incurable disease, age-related macular degeneration of the eye end to substantially, transplant surgery is performed to next year. IPS cells, began to move significantly towards regenerative medicine applications in the seven years from announcement produced in mice.
Team in February, Takahashi project leaders (Kobe) RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology is applied research. IPS cells that are artificially created or not the abnormal behavior after transplantation, examination committee, discussed intensively for safety. After a debate three times, was approved with the conditions such as the submission of additional data about the iPS cell production. After reporting on science and technology subcommittee of the Health Science Council to be held in mid-July, written opinion of formal acknowledgment is sent from the thick labor minister.
Subjects, patients with age-related macular degeneration severe. The type called (effusion ye) effusion type common in Japanese, such as unwanted blood vessels can be organized under the retina called "pigment epithelium", view missed or retina is pushed up, I will cause blindness. Clinical research I Now you are ready to start. I think hurdle that various lie ahead, but I want you out the results.

 対象は、重症の加齢黄斑変性の患者。日本人に多い滲出型(しんしゅつがた)と呼ばれるタイプでは、網膜の下にある「色素上皮」という組織に不要な血管などができ、網膜が押し上げられて視野が欠けたり、失明したりする。 いよいよ臨床研究が始まりますね。様々なハードルが待ち受けていると思いますが結果を出してほしいですね。

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