
Dementia and earwax.

Among the elderly dementia is suspected, summarized and National Chojuiryokenkyusenta, the results big ears red and was stuck in the ears of people 5%. Hearing goes up to get rid of ear wax, cognitive function that also got better.
According to Sugiura, Dean of the Graduate School The Center ENT of (fornication) family, among the 614 people who visited the forgetfulness outpatient, had 32 people from one large ear wax was clogged than the destination of the little finger to the ear. If you look to for 30 people, up to the sound of 44 db average was only catch is before removing the wax, but 39 db up to now hear after taking.
Was 17.0-point average before taking earwax in cognitive function tests, it was 17.8 points and examined after one month average taken. That there is a possibility that up as well as understanding of the text stimulation to the brain increases. It is a feeling that - wonder if there is an impact to think of proportion. However, the act of stimulating the ear Could it be that important. I do you try to remove the earwax actively?

 認知機能テストでは耳あかを取る前は平均17・0点だったが、取って平均1カ月後に調べると17・8点になった。脳への刺激が増え文章の理解力なども上がった可能性があるという。 割合から考えると影響があるのかな~という感じですね。しかし、耳を刺激するという行為は大切なのかもしれませんね。積極的に耳垢を除くように心がけますかね?

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