
It is seems to go blessing of God from the United States is more and more away.

The 26th, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that unconstitutional federal law that defines to be limited to men and women between the marriage the "Defense of Marriage Act".
Under the Defense of Marriage Act, care leave and family incentives, such as social security taxes and is recognized a couple of the opposite sex marriage is also not apply to a couple of gay marriage. I even though legally married in states that gay marriage was legalized, for example.
Opinion of Judge nine broken in the 5-to-4. Did on "Congress has a greater authority to draw up laws to suit their own ideas for sound national policy," said Anthony Kennedy judge supporting the unconstitutional judgment while moderate conservatives in Chapter 5 United States constitutional amendment shows a view that can not be denied the freedom guarded.
Edith Windsor's plaintiff, married same-sex couple who have been dating for 40 years in Canada in 2007. Court of the local New York State has issued a ruling that finds formal marriage also gay marriage in a foreign country.
However, found no marriage of Windsor and his friends according to Defense of Marriage Act, women When the call is death in 2009, the federal government ordered the payment of inheritance tax of much more expensive than a couple of the opposite sex marriage to Mr. Windsor. Windsor's filed a suit against the federal government for that.
President Obama was the position of the unconstitutional the official twitter Defense of Marriage Act, I said, "judgment against marriage defense law today, is one historic step towards the equality of marriage" and for some time. It is a stupid president. It is seems to go blessing of God from the United States is more and more away. Nature is established from the yin and yang, natural law has been practiced by breeding present the yin and yang in harmony exquisitely. It is the men and women of being in the position of its best. Marriage is contrary to the natural law I will not be recognized. I think it has too much priority to freedom and human rights. Christian spirit seems gone from the United States. And America Could it be that would Narisaga~tsu the country live just for the country. Exactly, It is grave that for the world.

9人の判事の意見は5対4で割れた。穏健保守派ながら違憲判断を支持したアンソニー・ケネディ判事は「連邦議会は健全な国家政策に対する自らの考え に合わせて法律を立案する大きな権限を有する」とした上で、合衆国憲法修正第5章で守られた自由を否定することはできないとの見方を示した。

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