
Global Energy Prize.

The 21st, award ceremony is said to be the "Nobel Prize of Russia" awarded to the person who made ​​a global contribution to the development of the energy sector of the "Global Energy Prize" is carried out in the country in St. Petersburg, Yoshino of Asahi Kasei Fellow = Fujisawa the two city-la scientist, Sechin president of oil giant Rosneft national was awarded the prize on behalf of President Putin.
Reasons for Award of Yoshino, the development of lithium ion rechargeable batteries essential for electric cars and mobile phones. He said ". Winning research impact in electric vehicles and communications equipment, is proud to be encouraging of battery researchers" in ceremony. $ 1.1 million prize money (about 100 million yen). I separated from the Russian scientists is the winner of another. Congratulations. Please complete the research further.


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