
Highest hamburger.

The 17th, McDonald's announced that market in the summer months from the 24th new products hamburger as "Quarter Pounder BLT" and "Quarter Pounder habanero tomato". (There is a difference in price by region) 520-570 yen including tax price of the single item of "BLT". And that the highest among the hamburger sale in Japan so far. The "habanero tomato" 480-520 yen and (same).
Both products, I have based the popular item which was released in Japan in the fall of 2008 the "Quarter Pounder". It has in addition (bacon, lettuce, tomato) the BLT is a classic material of the sandwich, "BLT" is, sell until the end of August.
It uses the hotness exciting the "habanero sauce", "habanero tomato" is, sell until the end of July. I would like to eat once.

日本マクドナルドは17日、ハンバーガーの新商品「クォーターパウンダーBLT」と「クォーターパウンダー ハバネロトマト」を24日から夏季限定で売り出すと発表した。「BLT」の単品の税込み価格は520~570円(地域によって価格に違いがある)。これまで国内で売り出したハンバーガーのなかで最も高いという。「ハバネロトマト」は480~520円(同)。
 「ハバネロトマト」は、刺激的な辛さの「ハバネロソース」を使っていて、7月下旬まで売る。 一度は食べてみたいですね。

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