

To have found in animal experiments the proteins that help the immune system to "rejuvenation", research team, such as Osaka has announced.

That may lead to the prevention and treatment of immune reduction due to aging. It was published in the U.S. magazine "immunity" electronic version.

Become Omoto to produce immune cells, such as "hematopoietic stem cells", will lose the ability to make the lymphocytes responsible for immune with aging, but it is not well understood more tricks.

Yokota Osaka Professor Daisuke et al team, ensure that the hematopoietic stem cells of mice, protein called "Satb1" is decreasing with age. Where in the hematopoietic stem cells of mice falls 20s in humans, were genetically engineered to make 20-10 times the normal this protein, the generation of lymphocytes increased to about 100 times. In the mouse hits 70 years old human, I increased to about 3 times the normal. Assistant Professor Yokota has said, "will lead to the development of technology and boost the immune system of the elderly to infection". By all means, I hope is put to practical use. Please complete further research and for practical use.

 チームの横田・大阪大助教らは、マウスの造血幹細胞で、加齢とともに「Satb1」というたんぱく質が減少していることを確認。人間で20歳 代にあたるマウスの造血幹細胞で、このたんぱく質を通常の20~10倍作るよう遺伝子操作を行ったところ、リンパ球の生成が約100倍に増えた。人間の 70歳代にあたるマウスでも、通常の約3倍に増えた。横田助教は「感染症に対する高齢者の免疫力を高める技術開発などにつながれば」と話している。ぜひ、実用化されるといいですね。実用化に向けて更なる研究を進めてください。

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