
Showcased in English "Bancho Sara Yashiki ."

16 day and night, of the teacher Keiko Haruno Rokyoku was unveiled in English "mansion dish Bancho" in Yamamoto Noh Theater, Chuo-ku, Osaka. The full-length performances in English is the first attempt in the world Rokyoku. Fully play the tragic love story of men and women with a sense of urgency, drew applause from the audience of about 150 foreigners.
Keiko had been out on variety shows as "Dr. Keiko" once native of Tokyo, it's make a debut seven years ago fascinated by Rokyoku. From 4 to 6 years grew up in the United States, that it was warming to the idea of English Rokyoku towards performances abroad. I hope to constantly evolving production in cooperation with colleagues from the United States Haruko Rose, who served as moderator of the performances, the script that was translated translator.
The story would have been on hand to avenge Aoyama Harima chrysanthemum Hatamoto your female servant who deliberately breaks a dish of heirloom and will verify Love, "regrets of Harima been tried is not clear forever" and.
Began to tell the story "Several centuries ago ...... (...... a few centuries ago) and". Expressively in English to express the "caustic words" narrative "and" Section sing according to the tone of the first month's shamisen bizarre, I served as the stage of the whole body for 20 minutes. Live, I want to hear us.

 「Several centuries ago……(数世紀前……)」とストーリーを語り出した。一風亭初月さんの三味線の音色にあわせて歌う「節」と語りの「啖呵」を表情豊かに英語で表現して、20分の渾身の舞台をつとめた。 生で、ぜひ聞きたいですね。

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