
Low "desire to succeed".

I do not think that more than half of high school students in Japan, "I want to be great." Japan Youth Research Institute has published 26 such findings. Low "desire to succeed" in comparison with the high school students in South Korea will stand out in the United States. The institute has been "or the impact of the recession," I can even job anyway "and have a glimpse of consciousness" and.

Mon questionnaire was 9-11 last year, to a total of approximately 6,600 high school students in the four countries. U.S. 30%, China 37%, of respondents to the question "Do you think I want to be great" and "strongly believe", which was 19% in Korea, Japan is only 9%. Remain at 46% as well, including the "I think so" Well, 54% were negative. South Korea 27%, U.S. 17%, a negative response, China was 9%. Why I'm not Hakichigae meaning "become great" things. I think we should tell the world to live more for others than to live for yourself. I think that people living for many people and it will become mighty. Will have no meaning "desire to succeed" better ourselves.

日本の高校生の半数以上は「偉くなりたい」と思っていない。そんな調査結果を財団法人日本青少年研究所が26日公表した。米中韓の高校生と比べ て「出世欲」の低さが際だつ。同研究所は「不況の影響か、『とにかく就職さえできればいい』といった意識が垣間見える」としている。
 昨年9~11月、4カ国の高校生計約6600人にアンケートした。「偉くなりたいと思うか」という質問に「強く思う」と答えたのは、米国30%、中国 37%、韓国19%だったが、日本はわずか9%。「まあそう思う」を含めても46%にとどまり、54%が否定的だった。否定的な回答は、韓国27%、米国 17%、中国は9%だった。「偉くなる」ことの意味合い履き違えているんじゃないでしょうかね。自分の為に生きること以上に他の為に生きる世界をもっと教えていくべきだと思いますね。多くの人の為に生きれる人が偉くなっていくのだと思いますね。自分だけ良くなる「出世欲」は意味がないでしょう。

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