
Tuition for video delivery service called, "MOOC" the University of Tokyo.

22, University of Tokyo has announced that everyone start from September, for the delivery of lecture video service called "MOOC" is take lessons online for free. To MOOC participation of foreign universities, but progress, is the first in the country. Is aimed to disseminate the lessons of "pride" and have chosen as study destination to attract the best students.
University of Tokyo, have signed an agreement with the U.S. company began last spring Kosera services MOOC. 62, such as Stanford University at the time this month to participate, in the service of the company Registration number amounted to about 2.7 million people.
First, the University of Tokyo will be delivered in English two courses of "conditions of war and peace," the Professor Kiichi Fujiwara, "until the dark energy from the big bang" of the number of long-fog stuff Space Research Organization cooperation Hitoshi Murayama ▽. About 5 hours per week, the learning time period scheduled for 4-5 weeks. The course hopes to expand in stages. It is good at any time, anywhere learning environment, as long as there is anyone who is able to connect to the net when we get up in Japan.

If you are interested, there be visit http://www.mooc.ca/index.html!

 東大はまず、藤原帰一教授の「戦争と平和の条件」▽村山斉・カブリ数物連携宇宙研究機構長の「ビッグバンからダークエネルギーまで」の2コースを英語で配信する。学習時間は週5時間程度、期間は4~5週間を予定。コースは段階的に拡充したい考えだ。 何時でも、何処でも、誰でもネットにつながる環境さえあれば学べる環境が日本でも立ち上がっていくといいですね。

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