
Education can not be denied that corporal punishment at all.

09, speaking at the cram school politics of prefectural chapter Gifu Liberal Democratic Party which was held in the city of Gifu, Chairman House of Representatives Ibuki so educated after the war, "the pros and cons of corporal punishment, was hit much too. However, feel nasty it is necessary to polish the humanity (even side to teach) I think "After revealing the experience of their own, and" does not remain to deny at all corporal punishment of education can not be., you will learn the history read the classics, I said, "I want you to spread the wisdom.

With unpleasant thoughts do not remain have experience that is strictly teaching elementary school teacher, junior high school and I also. Teacher of that time, I think, as was the love behind. Seems to me in contact with my son as well. I think motivation is not a private, like it was something that was underlying the public will love. It is also sometimes necessary to scold the children love to motivate yourself to polish human teacher. Although children go abroad, in foreign countries seems to have been made corporal punishment as well. Just right has been vociferous, it is to get back to the original Japanese education.

伊吹衆院議長は9日、岐阜市で開かれた自民党岐阜県連の政治塾で講演し、体罰の是非について「戦争直後の教育を受けたので、私もだいぶ殴られた。しかし、 嫌な思いは残っていない」と自身の経験を明かした後、「体罰を全く否定しては教育はできないと思う。(教える側も)人間性を磨くことが必要であり、古典を 読んで歴史を学び、見識を広げてほしい」と語った。
私も小学校、中学校と先生に厳しく指導された経験がありますが嫌な思いでは残っていませんね。その頃の先生は、背後に愛があったように思いますね。我が子同様に接してくれたように思いますね。動機が私的でなく、愛を根底にした公的なものだったような気がしますね。先生も人間的に自分を磨いて愛を動機に子どもを叱る事も時に必要ですね。子どもが海外に出ていますが、海外では体罰も行われているようです。 権利ばかりが声高に叫ばれていますが、本来の教育を日本に取り戻すことですね。

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