
Twin prime expected.

Prime that has fascinated mathematicians from ancient Greek era. Paper leading to the resolution of unresolved challenges related to the nature of the "twin prime Forecast" came out. (Electronic version) reported that British science journal Nature.
Of the integer of 2 or more, prime, what is not divisible only by 1 and itself. It will not appear sparsely as a larger number, but the mathematician Euclid of ancient Greece have demonstrated to be present indefinitely.
Prime other than 2 in the odd all, interval (difference) is called "twin prime" a pair of 2 next to each other as "13 and 11" and "3 and 5" of this, expected to be present infinitely still it is, but is not able to prove, it is said to be one of the oldest challenges of mathematics. Prime thing that there indefinitely I guess difficult to willing twin prime as well as they can exist indefinitely if you prove. It is amazing people 's Euclid proved to be limitless.

 2以外の素数はすべて奇数で、このうち「3と5」や「11と13」のように隣り合って間隔(差)が2のペアを「双子素数」と呼び、やはり無限に存在すると予想されているが、証明できておらず、数学最古の難問の一つともいわれる。 素数が無限に存在するということは双子素数も無限に存在してもいいような気がしますが証明すると難しいんでしょうね。無限に存在することを証明したユークリッドって凄い人ですね。

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