
Distribute the tablet terminal (4241 people) children and all students.

The 9th, Hiwatashi mayor of Saga Takeo has announced that it will distribute a tablet type terminal students all municipal elementary and junior high schools in all 16 (4241 people). It intends to implement from the next fiscal year.
Distribute the tablet devices to 194 people 4-6 year 2011-12 fiscal year, two elementary school by utilizing the business of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, the city has been to verify the effect. By not work with electronic blackboard, you can transfer all at once the material to each terminal, students will watch a video on my seat, understanding of the lesson that deepened.
In addition we have been the model selection for Saga is introduced from next fiscal year to the first year all public high school, the use of tablet devices in schools, next year in to all students of municipal elementary and junior high schools as well, Arakawa-ku, Tokyo I'm aiming for distribution. It is Takeo being promoted a novel reform or leave the library operated TSUTAYA and privatization of the hospital. What mayor, interest it springs out whether such any person.

 学校でのタブレット型端末の活用は、佐賀県が県立高校の1年生全員へ来年度から導入するため機種選定を進めているほか、東京都荒川区も区立小中学校の全児童・生徒への来年度中の配布を目指している。 病院の民営化やTSUTAYAに図書館運営を任せたり斬新な改革を進めている武雄市ですね。市長って、どんな方なのか興味が湧きますね。

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