
Worst-case scenario might be waiting in the near future.

"I have thought in the form of large, try to end your apprenticeship to the public a little more." 25 days, the governor of Tokyo, Shintaro Ishihara, declared that the government return and new party formation (80). As when he expressed resignation on the spot of honor to celebrate 25 years of continuous service seniority legislator in 1995, it was a sudden event. After submitting his resignation to figure Metropolitan Assembly chairman, told reporters, "Harebare" is exactly Ishihara flow. Not only in Tokyo, spread all over the surprise. Roar over about 20 minutes, and the problems of education and clear the Senkaku Islands, to point out one after another the "contradiction" of the country, that "this is not ridiculous" and. Scene exude discontent to countries that "... there are a lot. Then hey. Want to say is ..." and stood out.
Referred to as a "companion" to its own members and led by Osaka Mayor Toru Hashimoto kai "Ishin Japan" Japan "woken" served as a cheerleader, emphasize cooperation. I put the power and the "I want to last your apprenticeship life out there."
In answer questions I wear silk without any questions to the teeth as well. Smile "and I'll be more firmly why should I not do it. Exactly 80 years old. Too young guy" when asked about the age, physical condition become popular just about willpower. "Strength although I fell I was in the hall with laughter. "
I feel the danger in the current situation in Japan must rely on such elderly. Who is the leader with a vision for the future and a clear view of the world can look around the world and I feel nothing. I am worried about where I headed the world. Worst-case scenario might be waiting in the near future.

「もうちょっと大きな形で、国民に最後のご奉公をしようと思っております」。25日、新党結成と国政復帰を宣言した東京都の石原慎太郎知事(80)。平成7年に国会議員勤続25年を祝う永年勤続表彰の場で議員辞職を表明したときと同様、それは突然の出来事だった。都議会議長に辞表提出後、「晴れ晴れ」と記者団に語った姿はまさに石原流。都内に限らず、各地に驚きが広がった。    約20分間にわたり、尖閣諸島やゆとり教育の問題など、国の“矛盾”を次々と指摘しては、「こんなばかげたことはない」と一喝。「それからねえ…。いっぱいあるね。言いたいことが…」と国への不満をにじませる場面が目立った。

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