
I hope you will be a good starting auspicious.

In the program of the day 5 days local time, making projections award this year's Nobel announcement begins from the date of 8, P1 public radio station in Sweden, Professor, Kyoto University, Shinya Yamanaka was produced (stem cell new cells) iPS I mentioned the leading candidate Prize in Physiology or Medicine.

In Prize in Physics, the name of Dr. Peter Higgs of the United Kingdom to receive that found elementary particle of unknown seen as "Higgs boson" as the origin of mass in July this year, proposed a hypothesis that was raised.

Every year, the same program from the local science journalists, are expected at this time of the winner just before the announcement. Nobel week is finally starting. In the evening today Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced. I hope Professor Yamanaka has been awarded, and will be a good starting auspicious.


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