
Development of a process for the production of flexible high strength titanium.

(Yao City, Osaka) has developed a process for the production of flexible high strength titanium Furutekku undertaking and Prof. Kondo of Osaka University and EAF. High-purity titanium is very light rust. Better than that of stainless steel which is a typical example of rust. However, the strength is not enough on its own, plus molybdenum and rare metals vanadium, niobium, and zirconium, he is used to, such as chemical plants and power plant piping.
Of titanium hydride powder as a raw material of pure titanium, ram down mixed with titanium oxide to be used, such as paint, new process he baked in 900 degrees Celsius. Prototype was not broken even if it takes the power of about 110 kg per 1 square millimeter.
I bend and break without extending beyond the limits harder metal strength goes up in general. The research team has seen increasing intensity of atomic oxygen from entering the inside of the crystal structure, the new process has been extending the nature preserve. If I bend the processing is easier to extend.
The adoption of new manufacturing process, reduce about 35% energy becomes unnecessary step of removing the hydrogen bound to titanium, turned, lowered cost. I want you to research all means, so that it can be put into practical use in the early stages because it is the use of titanium is expected in many areas.

大阪大学の近藤教授らと電炉などを手がけるフルテック(大阪府八尾市)は、強度が高く曲げやすいチタンの製造法を開発した。 純度の高いチタンは極めてさびにくく軽い。さびにくい鋼材の代表例であるステンレスより優れている。ただ、そのままでは強度が足りず、バナジウムやモリブデン、ニオブ、ジルコニウムといったレアメタルを加え、化学プラントや発電所の配管などに使っている。

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