
Mathematician unique.

Among the issues that were left unresolved in the mathematics of modern, Professor Kyoto Shinichi Mochizuki published on the Internet by day 18, the paper to prove the "predicted ABC" theory of integers is said to be the "most important" was.

Part 4 500 pages of paper. Because it is a challenge typical of number theory, and it took about 350 years to resolve, "Fermat's Last Theorem", they can prove at once be used to forecast, even Western media "would be an astonishing achievement I'm excited and tell. "

ABC is expected to have been proposed by the European mathematicians in 1985. Theory to consider C a new integer that can be by adding these with two integers B and A, we analyzed the relationship holds for the prime factors of each, is also referred to as "unresolved issues" most important in the analysis of the equations of integer .

Princeton University enrolled in advanced placement in the U.S. at the age of 16, is Professor Toshihide Mochizuki who graduated from the Department of the university at the age of 19. For example, at the age of 32 he became a professor of Kyoto University in 2002, with a history of exceptional dressed.

Born in Tokyo in 1969. He moved at the age of 5 in the convenience of his father's work according to people familiar with the matter. That was not good at Japanese living in the United States when most, he was appointed assistant to Kyoto at the age of 23 in 1992.

Was selected as the first recipient of the Academic Award Leave a performance in a wide range of specialized arithmetic geometry, Japan Academy was founded to target the young under the age of 45 to 17 years. Four papers announced that this time I wrote one person.

It is a unique image and mathematician. I would not know what a great job difficult.



 専門の数論幾何で多岐にわたる業績を残し、17年に日本学士院が45歳以下の若手を対象に創設した学術奨励賞の第1回受賞者に選ばれた。 今回発表した4編の論文は1人で書き上げた。
 異色な数学者といったイメージですね。難しいことは分かりませんが大きな仕事をなんでしょうね。 http://www.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~motizuki/

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