
I want to run the building as soon as possible.

The construction of a new research vessel to investigate the whereabouts of metal and rare (rare earth) rare earth sleeps Japanese waters, Marine-Earth Science and Technology Organization and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and embark. Presence have been identified, such as around the (Tokyo) Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands, offshore resources, the amount and the detailed distribution is not clear. New research vessel surveys in hurry and want to connect to mining.
In recent years, such as the University of Tokyo and the Japan Coast Guard investigation, has been found in the distribution of rough waters around Japan in Okinawa and Ogasawara. Scattered along with minerals that erupted from submarine hydrothermal deposits were the "hydrothermal deposits", the waters near Okinawa and Ogasawara Islands is that they contain a wealth of rare metals such as gallium and bismuth. Gallium is for utilizing the light-emitting diode (LED). Bismuth has been used as a material of the alloy melt sprinklers even at low temperatures, and discharge to sense the temperature rise. In addition, in the vicinity of the Ogasawara Islands Minamitorishima, mud, including rare earths, such as neodymium and dysprosium that are essential to a strong magnet is distributed.
In the deep sea for more than 1000 m water depth, even if only slightly reduce the cost of excavation, many it is necessary to aim at the location where there are many more. Under the plan, about 5000 t 20 m 100 m in length and width. With multiple units of ROV seabed. Combines the ability to collect the sample from about 50 m below the seafloor, and analyzed on board. Start the construction from the next fiscal year, aiming for completion in three years. Construction is expected to cost several billion two hundred yen. Development of marine resources it is important for the future of humanity because it is overwhelmingly the sea look proportionally. I want to run the building as soon as possible to say that after 3 years.

 沖縄や小笠原で 近年、海上保安庁や東京大などの調査で、日本周辺の分布海域がおおまかに分かってきた。沖縄や小笠原諸島近海には、海底から熱水ととも に噴き出た鉱物が沈着した「熱水鉱床」が点在し、希少金属のガリウムやビスマスなどが豊富に含まれているという。ガリウムは発光ダイオード(LED)に利 用される。ビスマスは、低温でも溶ける合金の材料として、温度上昇を感知して放水するスプリンクラーに使われている。また、小笠原諸島の南鳥島付近には、 強力な磁石に欠かせないネオジムやジスプロシウムなどのレアアースを含む泥が分布している。
 多くは水深1000メートル以上の深海にあって、掘削費用を少しでも抑えるため、よりたくさん存在する場所を狙う必要がある。計画では、全長100メー トル、幅20メートルで約5000トン。海底無人探査機を複数台搭載。海底下約50メートルから試料を採取し、船上で分析する機能を兼ね備える。来年度か ら建造を始め、3年後の完成を目指す。建造費は二百数十億円を見込む。比率的に見ても海が圧倒的に多いですから海洋資源の開発は人類の未来にとって重要ですね。3年後と言わず早めに建造し稼働させて欲しいですね。

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