
I hope the Nobel winners and exiting.

Academic information services company headquartered in the United States, 19, Thomson Reuters has announced a new human potential candidates 21 Nobel Economics Prize and three natural science of the Nobel Prize to be announced in October. The Japanese, gave Mr. Akira Fujishima length 3 Tokyo University of Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Professor Emeritus of Kyoto University professor emeritus, Masatake Haruta, Masatoshi Takeichi, candidates Prize in Physiology or Medicine Prize in Chemistry in.

Candidates who have not been awarded the Nobel Prize in Japanese researchers that the company is a leading candidate is now 14 people from Kyoto University Professor Shinya Yamanaka, was elected in 2010. Among the total of 162 potential candidates from last year, which was announced in 2002, 26 people have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

The discovery of cadherin cell proteins stick to each other, the discovery of the photocatalytic reaction of titanium oxide, with the discovery of gold catalysis, Mr. Takeichi Mr. Fujishima Mr. Haruta was selected to each candidate. Again this year, but I have become such a time. Do you feel that this year I want to come out the winners from last year, there were no winners.

米国に本拠を置く学術情報サービス会社、トムソン・ロイターは19日、10月に発表されるノーベル賞の自然科学系3賞と経済学賞の新たな有力候補 21人を発表した。日本人では、医学・生理学賞に竹市雅俊・京都大名誉教授、化学賞候補に藤嶋昭・東京理科大学長、春田正毅・首都大学東京名誉教授の3氏 を挙げた。

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