
Hemostasis technique for efficiently using particle

Developed by these groups (Microbiology Immunology), was confirmed in animal experiments, Associate Professor of Boeiidai Kinoshita, a technique for hemostasis effectively using nano-sized particles. When these particles into the blood, making the blood clot that has attracted platelet function to stop the bleeding. It can now be used to people in the future, it helps you to eliminate the lack of large-scale disasters transfusion.

The intravenous injection of a solution of nanoparticles was wearing some of the proteins involved in hemostasis, thrombosis make efficiently collect platelets remaining was bleeding slightly, you stop the bleeding. In experiments with rabbits in which the massive bleeding from the liver, in 9 of 10 cases that were not administered platelet died within 24 hours, 10 patients with hemostasis in this technique I survived all. There were no side effects such as thrombosis and myocardial infarction (fast) pulmonary infarction. I want you to proceed with further research toward practical use because there are no side effects of blood clots sounds good, but must be confirmed in clinical practice.

 止血に関与するたんぱく質の一部をつけたナノ粒子の溶液を静脈注射すると、出血したところにわずかに残った血小板を効率的に集めて血栓をつくり、止血する。肝臓から大量出血させたウサギを使った実験では、血小板を投与しなかった10例中9例は24時間以内に死んだが、この技術で止血した10例はすべて生き残った。肺梗塞(こうそく)や心筋梗塞など血栓症の副作用もみられなかった。 血栓による副作用がないという点がいいですね、臨床での確認が必要ですが実用化に向けて更なる研究を進めて欲しいですね。

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