
Who do you pick the USA?

That squeaker ahead of the six days of the U.S. presidential election, divided in half, public opinion among the candidates Romney Republican President Obama and the Democratic Party have continued, I found the result of the latest survey, which was announced four days. Approval rate was 49% for both Mr. Obama, Mr. Romney. In the other poll will be announced on this day, the approval rate for Messrs. result is almost neck and neck with out. Who answered By gender, and to vote for Obama, but accounted for 53% of women, men, I was only 44%. 9-point difference between men and women came out in the presidential election since 1996. Despite a decline from the previous presidential election four years ago, the young, Obama's approval rating has aged along with Mr. Romney has struggled in the last time. Mr. Romney lead white layer at 40% versus 57%. Obama 40% versus 56%, in the group of less than $ 50,000 annual income is more than $ 50 000 in the group that Mr. Romney is leading with 47% versus 52%, respectively. By region, the predominant Obama, Mr. Romney has become dominant in rural areas in southern, western and urban areas in the Northeast, and the Midwest. Obama 52 percent, Mr. Romney favorability rating is 51% and nearly equal. Who answered agree with Mr. Obama in the primary measures 51%, those who agree with Mr. Romney was 50 percent.
The antagonist can see how the numbers. I guess who would choose the USA. Might be a watershed election and the United States are losing the power of what should lead the world as a powerful nation again.

米大統領選を6日に控え、民主党のオバマ大統領と共和党のロムニー候補の間で世論を真っ二つに分ける大接戦が続いていることが、4日発表した最新の調査結果で分かった。 支持率はオバマ氏、ロムニー氏ともに49%だった。この日発表された他の世論調査でも、両氏の支持率はほぼ互角との結果が出ている。 男女別にみると、オバマ氏に投票すると答えた人は女性の53%を占めたが、男性では44%にとどまった。男女間で9ポイントの差が出たのは1996年の大統領選以来。オバマ氏の支持率は若年層で4年前の前回大統領選から低下したものの、前回苦戦した高年層でロムニー氏と並んでいる。 白人層ではロムニー氏が57%対40%でリード。年収5万ドル未満のグループではオバマ氏が56%対40%、5万ドルを超えるグループではロムニー氏が52%対47%でそれぞれリードしている。地域別では、オバマ氏が北東部、中西部と都市部で優勢、ロムニー氏は南部、西部と農村部で優勢となっている。 好感度はオバマ氏が52%、ロムニー氏が51%と伯仲。主要施策でオバマ氏に同意すると答えた人は51%、ロムニー氏に同意する人は50%だった。

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