
Not motivated to enroll fall at this stage.

Tokyo Dai proposed for "admission" Autumn, 29, president of Kyoto Matsumoto said, "motivation is not at the stage of admission fall nowhere in sight before performing the examination changes. Admissions reform" and, in fact, I announced that shelved. University of Tokyo has to realize after five years, many universities have not decided the pros and cons. That Kyoto is not tuned, but also likely to affect the judgment of each university.
University of Tokyo started considering last year, in January this year, it is an object of the internationalization of the University "enrollment fall" was announced a policy to migrate all undergraduate enrollment fall by around five years. I'm agree with some, such as National University of Kyushu, I also persistent negative mindset.
June, Matsumoto president announced plans to introduce some entrance exams as early as the year 16, the "entrance feature" to assess the willingness to learn in their own way to the target as well as other subjects of the entrance exam study and extracurricular activities. In addition, next year, Kyoto University Graduate School established the boarding to develop leaders who are active in the international community.
Said president Matsumoto as the reason for the entrance examination reform "that stretch further at university, the students who have to study a wide range of high school. Admissions will be top priority, many students lose sight of the course after admission is important," and with a high school education I showed a willingness to strengthen cooperation.
Sonouede I said, "I think towards the Japanese way of thinking will change the effect by changing the entrance examination. Consuming a lot of energy and time is large fall in enrollment."
It must be more important things to think about the nature of the university entrance examination system and more people fall  admission.


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