
Neutrino oscillations.

Changes to a different type of in flight particles neutrinos there are types of three, in "neutrino" was unidentified far phenomenon that changes to the "electronic type" from the type called "μ-type" was confirmed.
International research team, such as the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization summarizes the experimental results, it was announced at the 19th International Physics Conference taking place in Sweden.
The neutrino is three μ type, tau type, e-type, type changes in flight "vibration" phenomenon occurs. And thus by the result of this, we clarified the vibration all confirmation possible in the experiment. By knowing the nature of the neutrino that existed many birth of the universe, it is a clue to explore the evolution of the universe.
Vibration was found in 1998, evidence of that there is a mass in neutrino. And changes to the tau type of μ type was captured far, change to the electronic type of mu-type has not been confirmed. I want to hope that it will be key to solving the mystery of the evolution of the universe.

 ミュー型、タウ型、電子型の3種類あるニュートリノは、飛行中に種類が変わる「振動」現象が起きる。今回の成果により、実験で確認が可能な全ての 振動を明らかにしたことになる。宇宙の誕生時に多く存在していたニュートリノの性質を知ることで、宇宙の進化を探る手がかりになる。

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