
Technology of rice cooker.

Use the sand made ​​a special processing a water-repellent, Kyoto University and Panasonic has developed the world's first technology that allows agriculture in arid rain is less.
We have succeeded in making a layer of sand through the air only by applying a technique for surface processing and inner pot of rice cooker, without passing through the water. In addition to being able to collect and recycle rainwater yelling stain on the ground, and that also prevent infiltration of soil to underground water containing salt.
Plans to work with and trading company with the know-how of agriculture-related, provide and farm reclamation services in the dry region Africa and the Middle East, and Central Asia, cultivation of crops difficult, with the aim of commercialization of fiscal 2016.
So that the dirt and burnt non-stick, inner pot of rice cooker is coated with a substance water repellency. By wrapping evenly substance water repellency of the thickness of the (parts per billion Nano) water was repelled (about 5 cm) layer of sand several nano-meters the surface of the grain of sand to tip this We have developed a system that does soak, lifted. Certainly, I want to promote further research towards the practical use of as soon as possible.

 炊飯器の内釜は、焦げや汚れがこびりつかないよう、はっ水性物質でコーティングしている。これをヒントに砂粒の表面を数ナノ・メートル(ナノは 10億分の1)の厚さのはっ水性物質で均等に包むことで、砂の層(約5センチ)にはじかれた水は染みこまず、浮き上がる仕組みを開発した。ぜひ、早めの実用化に向けて更なる研究を進めて欲しいですね。

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