
Small liver to work in the body of the mouse.

Team Taniguchi Professor of Yokohamashiritsudai, of Takebe assistant from 3 date, the results of the world's first to have succeeded in using induced pluripotent stem cells of human (iPS cells), to make a small liver to work in the body of the mouse I announced to the British science journal Nature electronic version of. You are the future, and conducting the research for a future liver disease in children, and want to send to the patient within 10 years.

liver cells were made ​​from iPS cells, and creating a three-dimensional structure necessary for it to function in the body is difficult.

The team culture by mixing with cells to create a cell in the foreground to become liver cells from iPS cells of human, connecting the cells to each other as "mesenchymal cells", the underlying blood vessels. It is a feeling that will be started at once clinical trials and various studies that use of iPS cells and, specifically. I want you to become in a position to lead the world. I will be going to study more? What is death? What is raw at the same time.

人の人工多能性幹細胞(iPS細胞)を使い、マウスの体内で働く小さな肝臓を作ることに成功したとする世界初の成果を、横浜市立大の谷口教授、 武部助手らのチームが3日付の英科学誌ネイチャー電子版に発表した。今後、子どもの肝臓病治療に向けた研究を進め、10年以内に患者に届けたいとしている。

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