
Metropolitan area and the Hokuriku Shinkansen opening that connects directly Hokuriku.

Metropolitan area and the Hokuriku Shinkansen 14 days connect directly Hokuriku, was opened. Tokyo at Marunouchi of JR Tokyo Station starting formula down first train "shine" is performed, shelved in JR officials and railway fan to celebrate, it was slowly departure. Was stretched Kanazawa - Nagano between the 228 km, Hokuriku reach of Shinkansen, was achieved through the '42 from development planning decision of 1973. Tokyo - between and connect the 2 hours 28 minutes shortest Kanazawa, about 1 hour and 20 minutes shorter than ever. Expansion of the bullet train network, Kagoshima route of Kyushu Shinkansen (Hakata - Kagoshima center) is since March 2011 that whole line opened. I Although it is good that I think you become a little more cheaper fare tied in a short time to Kanazawa. It is also the worry that in customers of Hell get off to Nagano.

首都圏と北陸を直接つなぐ北陸新幹線が14日、開業した。東京・丸の内のJR東京駅では下り初列車「かがやき」の出発式が行われ、祝福するJR関係者や鉄道ファンに見送られ、ゆっくりと発車した。  延伸した金沢-長野間は228キロで、新幹線の北陸到達は、昭和48年の整備計画決定から42年を経て実現した。東京-金沢間を最短2時間28分でつなぎ、これまでより約1時間20分短縮。新幹線網の拡大は、九州新幹線の鹿児島ルート(博多-鹿児島中央)が全線開通した平成23年3月以来。金沢まで短い時間で結ばれることは良いですが運賃がもう少し安くなればと思いますね。長野に降りるお客様が減るのではと心配にもなりますね。

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